Procrastination: How to overcome procrastination

Procrastination umm long word right but do you know what exactly this means? There are a tons of questions about procrastination like: what is procrastination?, what causes procrastination?, how to avoid procrastination?, is it good or bad? and lot more.  In this blog post I will tell answer you all these questions one by one.
There are two types of brains : procrastinator's brain and non - procrastinator's brain. Both brains has a rational decision maker in them but the Procrastinator’s  Brain also has an instant gratification monkey. Now, the rational decision maker will make rational decision to do something productive ,but the monkey doesn’t like that plan, so he actually takes the wheel and he says, “actually, let’s do something more interesting ”. Then we leave our desk go over the fridge eat something and then the YouTube cycle starts where in starting we are watching Newton’s first law of motion but ends up watching Justin Bieber’s mom’s interview. Now what’s going on here, this gratification monkey is a guy that you don’t want to control the wheel, he lives entirety in the present movement he has no memory of the past no knowledge of the future, and he only cares about two things: easy and fun.  Now in the animal world, that works fine, for example if you are a dog and you spend your whole life doing nothing other than easy and fun things, you’re  a huge success! And to the monkey,  humans are just another animal species, you have to keep well – slept, well – fed , and propagating into next generation which in tribal times might worked OK. But, if you haven’t noticed, Now we are not in tribal times. We’re in an advanced civilization, and the monkey doesn’t know what that is. Which is why we have another guy in our brain, the rational decision maker, Who gives us the ability to do things that no other animal can do. We can visualize the future, we can make long term plans and he wants to take all of that into account. And he wants to just have us do whatever makes sense to be doing right now. Now, sometimes it makes sense to be doing things that are easy and fun, like when you are having dinner or going to bed or enjoying well earned leisure time. That’s why there’s an overlap. Sometimes they agree but other times, it makes much more sense to be doing things that are harder and less pleasant, for the sake of the future. And that’s when we have a conflict. And for the Procascinator,that conflict tends to end a certain way every time, leaving him spending a lot of time in this orange zone, an easy and fun place that’s entirely out of the makes sense circle. I call it the dark playground. Now the dark playground is a place that all of you procrastinators out there know very well. It’s where leisure activities happen at times when they are not supposed to be happening. The fun you have in the dark playground isn’t actually fun, because it’s completely unearned, and air is filled with guilt, dread, anxiety, Self- hatred and all those good procrastinator feelings. And the question is, in this situation, with the monkey behind the wheel, how does the procrastinator ever get himself over the blue zone, a less pleasant place, but where really important things happen? Well, turns out that the procrastinator has a guardian angel, someone who always looking down on him and and watching over him in his dark moments, someone called the ‘panic monster’. Now the panic monster is dormant most of the time, but he suddenly wakes up anytime a deadline gets too close or there’s danger of public embarrassment, a career disaster or some other scary consequences. And importantly he is the only thing the monkey is terrified of. Now  the panic monster explains all kinds of pretty insane procrastinator behaviour, like how someone like me could spend two weeks unable to start the opening sentence of a paper, and then miraculously find the unbelievable work ethic to stay up all night and write eight pages. And this entire situation, with the three characters, this is the procrastinator’s system. Now our task is to knock out this monkey that is controlling our mind.
Procrastination is the avoidance of doing a task that needs to be accomplished by a certain deadline. It could be further stated as a habitual or intentional delay of starting or finishing a task despite knowing it might have negative consequences. It is a common human experience involving delay in everyday chores or even putting off salient tasks such as attending an appointment, submitting a job report or academic assignment, or broaching a stressful issue with a partner.
What causes procrastination? 
After reading the above paragraphs I think you know what causes procrastination.  Let's just take some lines that defines what causes procrastination. 

Some common reasons of procrastination :

1. A Fear of Failure

In my experience one of the most common causes of procrastination is a deep-rooted fear of failure.  If you fear the consequences of failing, then a logical extension of this is a disinclination to take action.
This is because you are guaranteed not to fail if you don’t attempt something (although the argument can easily be made that not attempting is the same as failing in the first place – which is an important point to consider).
Procrastination is comforting when you fear failure. It serves as a protection mechanism, shielding you from the possibility of real failure – as opposed to the more subjective failure that accompanies not attempting something in the first place.
Cure: Understand and accept that failure is not fatal. Most mistakes can be fixed, and you will get a second chance to right any wrongs. Obviously don’t go into a task with a mindset of failure … but realize that mistakes do happen.
Furthermore, train yourself to understand that failure to take action and give something a go is actually worse than being unsuccessful in its execution. If you try and fail, you at least have the opportunity to learn from your mistakes. If you never tried in the first place, then you’ve got nothing to show at all.

2. Excessive Perfectionism

Another common cause of procrastination is excessive perfectionism. If you are a self-confessed perfectionist, then you might find it difficult to take action unless you know you can do a job with which you will be totally satisfied.
This becomes a problem when you have to try something new, or different to what you are used to. Because of an ingrained perfectionist mindset, you will either consciously or subconsciously worry about being able to reach an end-state that will be to your liking.
It’s a great thing to be proud of the work that you do, and to want to do your best. However, when your mental picture of something you want to complete is actually beyond what you can reasonably expect to do, then you have a problem. Basically, you know that you won’t be able to do as well as you want … so it’s easier to do nothing at all.
This excessive perfectionism causes procrastination by encouraging you to put off attempting a task until you think you can do it perfectly. In many ways, this is similar to the “fear of failure” concept I outlined above; except that instead of believing you cannot succeed at all, you worry that you cannot meet your own high standards.
Cure: Aim to do your best, and be happy with the output. Accept that there is no such thing as a perfect job (especially if someone else will be critiquing your work – their idea of perfection will differ from yours).

3. Low Energy Levels

Another frequent reason for procrastination is experiencing low energy levels. If you are lacking energy, then it stands to reason that you will not feel like doing much at all.
This is a common cause for those of us with relatively unhealthy lifestyles. Whether you get insufficient sleep to “recharge your batteries”, or your diet causes you to feel sluggish and tired, lifestyle factors can play a huge factor in how inclined you are to get up off the couch and take action.
You should be able to easily identify this problem in your life: If you want to be active and productive, but simply lack the physical energy to do so (i.e. the mind is willing but the flesh isn’t) then you are probably suffering from low energy levels.
Cure: Work on developing a healthier lifestyle. Experiment with sleep, diet, and exercise to find a balance that works for you. There is a wealth of useful information online about making positive lifestyle choices – and you’ve probably already got a fairly decent idea already of what changes you could make.
If you cannot get any positive results (in terms of raising your energy levels), then consider consulting a healthcare professional in case there are underlying causes of low energy that require comprehensive medical treatment.

4. A Lack of Focus

A lack of focus in life is another frequent cause of procrastination. Although some people like to claim that “the person who does not know where they are going always travels further”, this idiom does not mesh well with those of us who are predisposed to procrastination.
You probably have a lack of focus if you frequently feel directionless, or that you do not really have a purpose in life. If you do not have any goals set, then it is almost certain that you will be lacking in focus – as you have no target to work towards. You may simply feel as if you are just drifting through life.
This lack of focus causes procrastination by preventing you from homing-in on an “end point”. Instead, you will wind up expending all your energy in the here and now, with nothing to guide you towards productivity.
When I was younger I suffered greatly from a lack of focus. I had no strong goals or targets to reach, so I simply frittered away most days. It wasn’t until I learned the art of effective goal setting that I became able to overcome procrastination and achieve more with my life.
These days I set goals for just about everything I do. I have goals for my fitness (e.g. wanting to squat twice my bodyweight by the end of the year) through to long-term financial goals.
Cure: Set yourself some inspirational-yet-attainable goals. It’s important to set the bar high enough to encourage you to take action, but not so high that you are likely to fail (which isn’t good for your motivation and drive).

A good goal encourages you to take action, because you do not want to disappoint yourself by failing to achieve what you set out to do.

50+ things to do in self quarantine / things to do when you are bored

50+ things to do in quarantine

Due to the current situation we all are in self quarantine. I know it feels like we are kept in a cage and are not allowed to go outside, therefore we all are so bored in our home. In this blog post I will tell you 51 things to do in self quarantine to stay productive,creative and energetic. Things to do to make the best of your quarantine. 
1. Drawing

The best thing to do in the self quarantine is to start drawing. Practice in your drawing techniques. Draw your favourite cartoon character, singer,dancer, you Tuber,food or anything that you want.

Things to do in self quarantine

2. Calligraphy

If you haven't tried calligraphy yet, I think this is the best time to give it a try. You can start calligraphy with pens, pencils,makers etc..

3. DIY

If you are a person like me who watch diys all the day and only a few time try them, then this is the time to try all these diys that you see on YouTube.

4. Plant a plant

Instead of lying on the bed and watching Netflix all the day I think you should plant a plant or seed and take of it.

5. Play online games

If you are so bored then why don't you try online games. There are a lot of trustful websites or apps in which you can earn money by simply playing games. Paytm also provide a game app to earn money
Sign up and earn money by playing.

6. Sleep
We all don't get time to take naps but now be have time , I mean a lot of time so just sleep..

7. Try new hairstyle

Try new and interesting hairstyles to find your own signature hairstyle.

8. Read

If you don't get enough time to read a book now what are you waiting for complete your favourite book series. If you want suggestions then check out this blog post 👇

9. Household chores

Help your parents in their household chores.

10. Tryout new recipes

Find the chef inside you and make snacks for your family.

11.  Karoke

If you are a fan of listening to songs then don't just listen them also sing them. Doesn't matter you are
a good singer or not just enjoy it.

12. Dance

A very good way to stay fit is to dance. If you like dancing then there is a lot of time to learn some dance steps that takes a lot of time to learn.

13. Practice new routines and schedules

Due to the current situation all of our daily routines and schedules are not working now but we can make new routine and schedules and follow them strictly to be productive. If you follow your routine sincerely then you will feel more productive.
19 tips to be more productive

14. Watch your favourite series

Watch your favourite series and enjoy this time positively.

15. Start workout.

If we are at home it doesn't mean that we should just chill. Start a workout. If you do them regularly then extend your limits and try some new exercises. This is a very important habit if you want to know some more habits check out my blog post

16. Start a bullet journel

If you haven't already started a bullet journel then you should definitely try it now because it takes time if you will be more creative.

17. Sharpen your makeup skills

If you are a fan of doing makeup then you should use this time to sharp your makeup skills.

18. Take online classes

If you haven't bought new books for the semester but you want to get ahead of the syllabus then you should take online classes to understand the certain topic or chapter. If you are interested in study tips then check out this blog post

19. Start your YouTube channel

At this time many people visit YouTube because they have nothing to do therefore this is the best time to entertain them and start a youtube channel. Maybe it will be more successful then you thought.

20. Start your own blog

Same as above this is the best time to start a blog. express your thoughts. Give important information to your audience maybe you will be a good blogger.

21. Learn some real life trick shots

Real life trick shots seem so cool in videos but in real it take a lot of time to do only one trick shot so now that you have a lot of time ,try them.

22. Practice skin and hair care

We all don't get time for ourselves in our busy life but we should take care of our selves therefore in our free time we can practice skin and hair care. You can use skin and hair care products but I think you should make and use DIY face scrub or hair conditioner etc.. It takes time to make them but it is fun to make them. 

23. Learn to  play an instrument

If you have a musical instrument that you bought or get as a gift that you never tried then start learning that favourite instrument in this free time. There are tons of tutorials and apps that will help you. Some apps that will definitely help you, are: Simply Piano (Free) ,Yousician (Free) ,Uberchord.

24. Learn lyrics of your favourite songs

For enjoying karaoke we should also learn the lyrics of the songs.

25. Catch up your syllabus
Your school is closed doesn't mean that you are free from studying.  You have to catch up your syllabus. 

26. Make your own notebook covers
Our new semester is starting therefore we have to cover a lot of notebooks and it means we can be creative with them. Try out your own DIY notebook cover. 

27. Play indoor games
There are tons of games that we can play at home. So play them with your family.

28. Talk with your parents
Many of us doesn't get time to talk parents but now we all have time therefore talk with your parents, grandma, grandpa, or any other family members. 

29. Talk with your friends
When we talk with friends with forget about time. And this is the best thing to do timepass.

30. Make motivational quotes
when everything will become normal we have to get motivation therefore make your own motivational quotes. Or make a vision board. 

31. Make tik tok videos
You all like this and I know you all are doing thing. (just a reminder)You can make tik tok videos.

32. Learn a new language
Utilize this time and invest it in improving yourself. One of the best way to that is to learn a new language. You can try Duolingo which is a free app for learning language. 

33. Listen to Ted talks
I love listening to ted talks. If you haven't tried yet try it out. 

34. Listen to podcasts
Podcasts are anything but relaxing for your brain. And while it's good for the brain to work hard, it's not so good for the brain to multitask. ... But listening to podcasts may slow you down even if your work isn't mentally demanding. Performance on purely physical tasks also falters when your brain works hard.

35. Wash your hands
In this situation the best thing to do is washing hands and staying at home. 

36. Learn magic tricks
It seems cool when someone do magic tricks. It's the time to learn some magic tricks and amaze our friends.

37. Make a origami art
There are tons of origami arts in YouTube try out them. If you think that origami is very easy then I will suggest you to try a different and difficult origami (shown in the video). 

38. doddle
Doing Doddling is a great fun. You can tryout it in your free time. 

39.  Recreate your old pics or videos
There are a tons of your old pictures in your phone that you want to recreate. 

40. Do some fun challenges
There are tons of fun challenges on YouTube to try.  Try them with your family. 

41. Write a poetry
If you are not good in poetry then it's the time to work on it. 

42. Meditate
Meditation should be done regularly and if you are doing it then you can increase the time that you invest in doing it. 

43. Choose your career
If we have lot of extra time then why can't we decide our career. And if you have decided already then work on the skills that you will need to achieve what you want. 
44. Read news
Knowing about the happenings in the world is very important. You should always be updated. 

45. Indoor picnic
We are stuck in home so why don't we enjoy indoor picnic with tasty homemade food. 

46. Improve your GK
It's always good to improve our gk whenever we get time. 
47. Know everything about your favourite animal
If you also love animals, birds, insects etc. then you should invest your free time in learning about them. My favorite animal is 🐯. What's your? 
48. Make your playlist
You can make your own study playlist, dance playlist etc. for the whole year. Because you have a lot of time in self quarantine. 

49. Write a letter to your future self
It always feels amazing to read a letter which is written by us and for us.  But don't read it the next day try to read it after some years. 

50. Paint your furniture
Why not decorate our house in free time by painting the furniture with our colour theme for the room. The best thing to paint on, is switch boards. 

51. Teach your younger brother or sister
You can pass your time by teaching your younger brother or sister. It's a great fun. 

I hope that these 51 things will help to stay busy in self quarantine. If you are doing something else to stay busy then don't forget to share it with us in the comments down below. If this blog post is helpful for then don't forget to share it and follow this blog. 
#stayhome #staysafe
#self quarantine #self quarantine #self quarantine #self quarantine #self quarantine #self quarantine #self quarantine 

Top 10 tips to memorize faster and easily


I know that many of you including me also hate studying with an almost physical passion. It was extremely hard just to sit down and open a text book.


Because it seemed so pointless. I knew no matter how many times I read the text book, I'd remember virtually nothing.
And re-reading over and over and over again in the hope something will stick is just … painful.
But I am currently using many tips to remember information for long time. I hope that these tips will also help you to remember information. 

This is especially useful if you’re trying to memorize information from a lecture. Use a tape recorder to track all of the acquired facts being spoken and listen to it.
If you’re trying to memorize a speech, record yourself reading the speech aloud and listen to yourself speaking. Obviously, this is most helpful for auditory learners, but it’s also handy because it ensures that you’re getting more context from a lecture that will help you learn the information faster.

—Before you start trying to recall everything from memory, write and re-write the information. This will help you become more familiar with what you’re trying to memorize.
Doing this while listening to your tape recorder can also help you retain a lot of the data. This is most useful for experienced learners.

— The most effective method for me is to teach the information to someone else. You can do this in a variety of ways. You can lecture the knowledge to someone sitting right in front of you (or the mirror, if you can’t convince anyone to sit through it) and explain everything extemporaneously.
If what you’ve learned needs to be recited verbatim, then do this in front of someone as well in order to get a feel for what it will be like to recite the text to the intended audience.
My favorite method for this is creating tests for other people. Take the information and predict what questions will come out of them. Use multiple choice, matching and so on to present the data in test format and see how someone else does.

— mnemonic is a tool that helps us remember certain facts or large amounts of information. They can come in the form of a song, rhyme, acronym, image, phrase, or sentence. Mnemonics help us remember facts and are particularly useful when the order of things is important.

—While doing unrelated tasks like laundry or driving, go over the information again by listening to your tape recordings. This is certainly auditory learning but it will still supplement everything you’ve shoved into your short-term memory.

Your brain protects you from overloading with useless information. That’s why all new information is stored in the short-term memory, not in the long-term memory. If you don’t repeat it or use it, you forget it very quickly.
The Eebbisghaus forgetting curve shows that just 1 hour after learning learning that we forget more than half of the information. One week later we remember only 20% of it. 

In order to keep the information in your head for a longer time, you need to try to put it into your long-term memory. Forced memorization is not very effective in this case because your brain can’t make sense of the information quickly and form strong associations. If you want to remember things for a long time, you need to extend the memorization period. It should be as long as a few days or even weeks
So spaced repetion says after learning the information repeat it after 1 hour then after 1 week then after 1 month (if you want to remember things for long time).  If you want to remember the information for short term — repeat it just after learning then after 15 to 30 minutes then after 6 to 8 hours then after 24 hours. This is the most effective method to remember the information.

— If you are trying to memorize lot of words or a long history answer then this method is the best. For example you want to learn the system of subsidiary alliance, for this you can think of small east Indian company's army taking the forces of Indian rulers and are protecting them from their (the company's army)  army and the Indian ruler are paying for this etc.. The weirder the story the easier to remember it. Try framing your story for remembering long answers.

Whether learning new information or preparing for a test, flashcards can be a great way to review lots of information quickly. They are easy to make, and easy to use because you can take them anywhere. There are many good ways to help you memorize your flashcards, and you can help yourself all along the way from learning the information to acing the test. Making your flashcards the right way and practicing good study habits while using them will help you get the most out of your work. If you don't want to waste paper for making flash cards you can use quizlet app. 

— Writing requires more brain activity, activates memory, and engages you physically in putting words on paper. It's like being engaged in a dialogue, as opposed to merely listening to someone talk. There is nothing wrong with simply reading and listening, but writing and speaking engage more of your brain. Thus helping to remember it. 

— By taking tests of your own will help you in remembering things for long term.  If you make questions of your own this will be more effective. Taking tests will make you familiar with your weak and strong points. 

Besides these all tips always remember that understanding is better than memorising.  But there are some things that need to be memorise like history dates, biological names, inventions, chemical equation etc..  Therefore I made this blog . I hope you like them. Also if you know any other tip that you use to memorise faster don't forget to tell us in the comments. 

Procrastination: How to overcome procrastination

PROCRASTINATION Procrastination umm long word right but do you know what exactly this means? There are a tons of questions about procrasti...